As soon as the four-way military forces are integrated, there will be more than three million, which is almost twice that of liu er’s more than two million demon soldiers. It can be seen that after thousands of years of rest, the three families of dragon, phoenix and Kirin have gained ten percent of their strength when they were the overlord of the wild.

There are more than 3 million soldiers and horses in the four roads, and the white clouds condensed by the murderous road are a mass of clouds. The great magical powers and forces in four major continents have closed the mountain gate in fear and started the ban.
For a time, people in the world were terrified. You know, if there is such a fight again soon after the Lich’s two-clan war, I don’t know how many lives will be hurt.
On this day, liu er was leading the four lich kings to sweep a mountain. Suddenly, he saw a thousand immortals in the distance. Yun Rui Cai couldn’t help but bring up the great magic, and then erected the third eye to watch it, so he learned about the incident. He couldn’t help but sneer at it. Thousands of years ago, he got into trouble and was punished by the master in the cold palace for 900 years. Now he is under the orders of the master to rectify the northern fear of Luzhou, and he is afraid of him with the support of the master.
And now the heaven is not the heaven, and now liu er is no longer liu er.
"Boys, get ready for me to kill the enemy!" Liu er brought a powerful magic sound that shocked millions of miles. The four demon kings and their 20-night and 56-year-old demon generals drank loudly and promised to sound that the land of Luzu in the north of Wan Li was shaking.
After a quarter of an hour, I saw liu er jump up vertically, and a fairy cloud was born in the foot and went away, followed by four demon kings, twenty nights, and fifty-six demon generals, and then more than one million demon families. More than one million demon families were seen in Qinglian Lingshan. There are wolves, tigers, roes, badgers, sisters-in-law, orangutans, bears, and mountain cows.
And twenty nights, they waved colorful flags and knocked on golden drums, shouting in succession. There were colorful clouds with half-shaped feet.
According to their profound skill, demon cultivators can divide their foot clouds into red, green, gray, purple, black and ink purple. Only those with deep fortune have the adventures to transform themselves into fairy bodies. The foot clouds are white clouds, such as liu er, the Four Demon Kings, the Twenty Nights and the Fifty-six Demon Generals.
Liu er, the fourth-route army, stopped ten miles ahead, while Dragon, Phoenix, Kirin and Mountain Soldiers also stopped and the two armies confronted each other.
In accordance with the imperial edict of Heaven for Science, the Grand Marshal Chi Long Aowang looked over and saw the liu er macaque ten miles ahead wearing a golden helmet and a golden crown, holding a golden cudgel and stepping on a cloud shoe. It was awesome! Behind it, the demon kings and soldiers of all walks of life are playing drums and waving flags, and the momentum is not weaker than that of their own. Some of them can’t help secretly nodding.
A dragon ao drink a way "liu er demon monkey! You’re so bold! Today, I have come to arrest you by the imperial edict of the Jade Emperor. You should retreat and plead guilty before it is too late! Otherwise, the evil spirits will make you suffer together and regret it! "
Liu er laughed. "Ha-ha-ao, I miss you. The dragon was the overlord of the universe thousands of years ago, but now it’s reduced to heaven’s account of science. There is no difference between before and after running and catching soldiers and catching real pawns. I’m ashamed of you! Candle dragon, the ancestor of your clan, will blame you if he knows anything after his death! "
A dragon ao was ashamed and turned to nu way "you a Po Hou! I won’t argue with you if you don’t give up and blame my people for catching this demon monkey! " Then I saw a man flash out. "Marshal will be willing to catch this demon monkey at the end." It was Ao Liang, the dragon king of Beihai, the dragon king of the four seas, who said, "Yes!"
Aoliang, the Dragon King of Beihai, was ordered to come to liu er and laughed. "This is good for me to beat him to a pulp so that you can know that I am awesome!" After liu er finished, millions of demons shouted and waved flags.
Aoliang, the Dragon King of Beihai, roared and turned directly into a body to see a red dragon with a length of 100 feet and a red scale. He came straight to liu er and came to liu er. It was great before he saw it and laughed.
Chapter 44 Qing Ye Zhu Zhuniao
When I saw that the wishful gold-banded cudgel was transiently long, I took a broken wind and smashed it. The wishful gold-banded cudgel weighed 13,500 Jin, which was made of an indestructible piece of precious iron. If I clung to it for a while, I would die, get my skin broken and wipe my muscles! Liu er is close to pick Jin Xianxiu. If this hit, Aoliang, the dragon king of the North China Sea, will be seriously injured even though the defense is strong.
See liu er this powerful offensive Taiyi Jin Xianxiu Aoliang can’t help but face a change. Yi Long sings and screams, and a tangible sound wave vibrates to liu er. Then Long Lin becomes red as if it were burning, and the dragon body is born with true fire. It is crazy to send it out from a distance. Aoliang is surrounded by red fire for miles. The confrontation between the two sides can’t help but be stunned by the heat wave. The red dragon body is born with true fire, although it is not as good as Di Jun’s innate sun, but it is also extremely fierce.
Aoliang’s array of innate true fire, nine yin and nine yang kept running for several weeks, forming a spiral shape. liu er was first shocked by dragons and sound waves, and Yuan Shen’s offensive could not be slowed down. When Ruyi’s golden hoop hit the innate true fire around Aoliang’s body, Ruyi’s golden hoop was forced to break its defense, but it was beaten by Ruyi’s golden hoop, and the true fire in Aoliang’s body was scattered and extremely unstable, and his body was born and dropped by ten thousand meters.
Liu er was surprised to see that he couldn’t break this long worm defense with a blow.
Dragon, Phoenix and Kirin were the overlords of the wild thousands of years ago, but Aoliang can be the Dragon King of the North Sea. Apart from the fact that Long Han robbed only three dragon gods at the beginning of the Han Dynasty, his strength is the highest. Naturally, it is not liu er who can defeat the dragon with one blow. Now the dragon is not as weak as Nezha and Sun Wu, who were bullied by later generations when the gods were sealed and Buddhism flourished.
Behind liu er, millions of demons saw liu er’s great power, but it was another beating drums and waving flags. Ao and others couldn’t help but look pale.
The proud dragon Aoliang was almost prone to the ground by liu er’s blow. He couldn’t help screaming and roaring. The big eyes like hills emitted red light, and the red light turned into a real blow to liu er, but it was blocked by liu er Ruyi Gold Hoop and crashed with a loud noise.
AoLiang roar loud a body shows the innate true fire is overwhelming, and it strikes liu er with the golden cudgel of liu er Ruyi. The two of them are fighting again, so after more than 30 rounds, AoLiang finally ate a heavy stick from liu er and smashed several rocks on the ground.
When Aoliang rose, his red scales had already broken, and many golden blood kept oozing out.
Liu er laughed wildly and made a miraculous gesture, bowing his waist and calling "Long!" His head is as tall as Mount Tai, his waist is as steep as a mountain, his eyes are as bright as a flash, his teeth are like blood, and his golden cudgel is like a sword. He wants to smash Aoliang into a pulp with a cudgel. Aoliang sees that this cudgel is irresistible and hurriedly retreats to his own camp, but what if he escapes? Seeing that the gold-banded cudgel will be next to Aoliang’s body to kill the dragon, Aoao can’t consider other golden halberds, and the golden light flashes and screams to block the gold-banded cudgel.
The two sides hit the dragon ao and his arms shook numb. Although the dragon clan chiefs of the dragon ao are not as quasi-holy as the dragon ancestor Candle dragon, they also reached the middle stage of the pick Jin Xian. Although liu er was born with divine power, his way was worse after all, and he was withdrawn from this block for several miles.
Liu er laughed. "What? If you can’t do it yourself, you have to do it yourself? "
Fei Long ‘ao’s face was red and white with a sneer. "You still need me to start work as a Po Hou. Since you are so arrogant, I won’t say much about Kong Shu?" Kong Shu, the head of the Phoenix clan, and the head of the Kirin clan were ordered before listening.
"surround and kill!" Aoli avenue
Kong Shu and Morton paused and went to see the two men commanding more than three million troops in the quartet to arrange orderly, which coincided with the evolution of Yin and Yang and surrounded and killed millions of demons in liu er.
Seeing that a fight is about to evolve, I see a golden pagoda flying from the far sky, sending out a series of mysterious yellow gas in the middle. It is the mysterious yellow tower of heaven and earth. Then the next day, a burst of Yue Xian came and fragrant cigarettes were everywhere. It was Qing Ye who came to see the master in liu er on horseback, and the four demon kings came to visit the millions of demons behind him. Everyone worshipped Qing Ye and looked at liu er without saying anything, then turned to look at him.
Seeing that Qing Ye came to Ao, Kong Shu and Mo, three people could also worship the sage Saint Ann and never put off till tomorrow what you can. In Wei Ao, a saint, he hesitated. "Violet saint, I came here on orders to go back so afraid."
Qing Ye’s eyes flashed with cold light. "If heaven asks about science, say it’s what I mean."
Kong Shu complained about the killing of the three clans when Qing Ye collected Ao Guang’s mount. "The great Buddha is in charge of the three realms by the ancestor, and the great Buddha means god’s will. We are also in accordance with the great Buddha’s will. You interfere and indulge in arrogance. Aren’t you afraid that the ancestor will punish you!"
Qing Ye laughed. "You’re a little Zhu bird who dares to take Tao Zu to pressure me? ! Heaven is heaven’s will? ! Then I’ll tell you now that it’s God’s will to wait for you to turn to ashes! " After Qing Ye finished, he offered a dry Kunding to dry Kunding. The mouth of the dry Kunding was pale yellow, and the gas fluttered against the hole bundle. The bamboo bird with a big body was the ancestor of the phoenix family, Tianfeng. At this time, it was taken by the dry Kunding, and it was yellow, and it could not produce a trace of resistance. Directly, I came to see it directly, and it was a chicken head, a swallow’s jaw, a snake neck, a turtle’s back, a fish tail and a five-colored bird. Then it was sucked into the Ding by the dry Kunding.
When Qing Ye saw this, he offered the Siling Banner and put Zhu Bird’s soul into the Siling Banner. Seeing that the flag of Siling Banner is opposite to Xuanwu, there is another Zhu Bird’s body in the south.
It’s a pity that Zhu bird will be made into a picture cake for a few dollars.
Fei Long Ao and Mo Qilin couldn’t help but face a change. They wanted to stop it, only to find that they were able to watch the hole bundle being dried up by Kun Ding.
And the phoenix gens saw that the heads of the fathers were turned to the source, but Wan Fengming called straight to pounce and kill Qing Ye and reached out a finger to cover it with a clear air, which was also broken by efforts.